The Master of the Universe – Chaos on the Run

August 22, 2008

OK… if you read this blog you will know that I read “Wired” with all the fervor I can muster during daily “library” breaks.

I just received the latest copy and almost died laughing over the article on the “Star Wars Continuity Cop”. I was so loud that they guy several tables (stalls) away asked me if I was OK. I momentarily had a vision of paramedics breaking through the door only to find me dead from being oxygen deprived and “Wired” resting on my chest. And one of them says, “another victim that laughed himself to death over those stupid “Wired” articles….

Anyway, do we really need someone to keep track of the Star Wars universe for us? Is it so out of control that we need a master? Who cares if things aren’t nice and tidy (BTW… same goes for all those people who keep track of star dates.. Hello people, its a TV show!!!). For those of you who have saved a few dollars (and are missing out each month). Here is the article on-line (read it all and watch all the videos, Especially the Star Wars Christmas special one):

Meet Leland Chee, the Star Wars Franchise Continuity Cop

I wonder what would happen if I started publishing my own Star Wars stories on-line and didn’t get all the details and time-lines exactly right? I suspect instead of the paramedics some guys in Storm Trooper outfits would bust down my door with an order to cease and desist or pay George and his evil empire and stick to the prescribed time-lines and stories.

On returning to my office chair I decided to look the article up on the web to see what other kinds of items I have been missing out on. Low and behold someone at wired had posted an interactive time line that gives me some of the important dates and events in the Star Wars Universe AND they let people add their own:

Plot the Star Wars Galaxy

Be sure to read them all. My favorites so far include:

Terminator sent back to 1993AD (little did I know there was a tie between Terminator and Star Wars… Thanks Wired)
Star Wars Finality – George Lucas is hung for treasonous acts following re-release of episode 3 using neural retinal display networks
The Madness of King George – Happened somewhere last year or this. News to me also

Seems there is still a lot of crap for the master of the universe to clean up because some of the entries seem to disappear and new ones are continually appearing.

2 Responses to “The Master of the Universe – Chaos on the Run”

  1. Ryan said

    I really don’t get why you find this article so funny. I love Star Wars and I love categorizing things. I have SWOCD. Man this guy has my dream job. Maybe I should become a contributer and moderator on Wookiepeedia. And I’m not joking either.

  2. WebPulp said

    Did you read the timeline? My favorite was “Star Wars Generations” at 60 ABY and 1988.

    (But frankly, I found the article too boring to really care.)

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